Software Hints, Tips & Tricks

Keycaps, Navigation and other symbology

Players — Golfers.  Separately, in lists, on Scorecards, in reports or on-screen, used to identify demographics, scores, statistics, handicaps or other data related to a particular player.

Teams or Competitors — Multiple golfers associated as teammates or competitors in all forms of play.  Teams might be identified by the names of the players, the name of their captain, etc.



Courses — Golf courses, in lists, assigned to Scorecards, in reports or on-screen.  Used to represent a Course and all its tees, nines and holes and all the data required to perform scoring, handicapping or reporting, like names, lengths, pars, stroke allocations, Course and Slope ratings, etc.

Scorecards — Analogous to the familiar printed golf course scorecard that travels with you as you play, Scorecards represent the place you enter gross scores on-screen, for individual golfers or teams during play.

Events — Most simply, a group of Scorecards, configured similarly  for the competitors and/or teams.  An Event represents play on a particular Course on a particular day, with full-field reporting of scores and placement for both gross and net, flighted if needed.

Competition Scoring — On the Mac, an indicator of competition results, for individuals or teams.  A “competition” score being the gross or handicap and allowance adjusted net score, in strokes, points or otherwise, by which scores are compared.

Leaderboard — On your iPhone or iPad, an identifier for the Leaderboard, a multi-paged presentation of individual and team scores including gross, net (full handicapped), and competition (allowed strokes) results.  The Leaderboard may include other pages, like “Skins”.

Match Play — On your iPhone or iPad, a button to invoke the “vs. the field” Match Play screen from the Scoreboard.  Or, an icon to identify settings specific to the display of match play results. 

On-Course Assistant — On your iPhone or iPod touch, a button to invoke the On-Course Assistant screen from the Scoreboard.  The Assistant provides an on-the-move high visibility score entry facility to enhance the speed and accuracy of entering scores as you play. 

On-Course Assistant

Dots — On mobile devices, a button to switch the display of handicap strokes for players OFF (no indication) or ON (dots representing number of allowed strokes at each hole).

Dismiss the Keyboard — On mobile devices, a key to deselect any active field(s) and remove the keyboard.

My golf course isn’t available to download.  Why not?

There are more than 40,000 golf courses in the world, of all sizes.  The information about those courses necessary for detailed hole-by-hole scoring, for men and women, playing from any of the available tees, requires information about hole length, par, handicap allocation and perhaps names, tee names, color, Course and Slope Ratings by gender, for 18  holes or frequently by nines.  At golf clubs with multiple courses, or courses with more or fewer nines than two,  a unique set of course data may be required.  Other than from Mulligan Software’s archive of Club/Course data, this detailed information for each course you might play just doesn’t exist.

But, scoring software from Mulligan Software provides the capability to create a file of information about your course, usually based on the contents of the printed scorecard for that course, that can be used by the software for your scoring.  Generally, after retrieving that printed scorecard and perhaps help from your pro shop or your golf association’s online or printed documentation, you can put it all together in about 15 minutes… once.  Repeat for any new course you and your friends play, and score for you and your group anywhere you go.

In Mulligan’s Eagle, if you make the effort to include all the tees for both men and women in your Club/Course setup, you can add your work to our archives:

  • From the Finder, make a new folder on your desktop titled “Clubs”.
  • With the Club window open and front-most, choose Export from the File menu to make a .CLUB file in that new folder.
  • Repeat for all the Clubs you want to send.
  • Finally, in the Finder, click to select the “Clubs” folder, choose Compress from the File menu to make a compressed version (a file) on your desktop.  Send that file as an email attachment to Mulligan Software Technical Support.  We’ll get your data online.

If you want to send us a printed scorecard, scan or photograph both sides and be sure the Course and Slope Ratings for all the tees are shown.  Email those images to us.  If your course supports “hybrid” or combo tees for which there are yardages and ratings, send us that information too.

Mulligan Software

Bullard, TX  75757


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