About our Web Site

How is the web site maintained?

We support our own web site and take responsibility for its contents and effectiveness.  During golf season, we’re probably tweaking something about once or twice a week.  The rest of the time, not so much.  If you have specific questions about the website itself, contact us at our support address.

What tools do you use to design and produce the site’s pages?

We’re now predominantly using Sparkle for page design and production.  Sparkle is a WYSIWYG high-end Mac website design application available from the Mac App Store as a one-time license or a subscription that  really removes any requirements for coding for the user.  It produces high-resolution output for screens of all sizes, with very fast page loading for the user.  We’ve used Adobe’s Dreamweaver and Muse with long-term increasing frustration and sudden abandonment.  We’ve coded HTML and CSS directly with great pain.  Sparkle has saved us many hours of work, with better results.

Sparkle Logo

Who is your site hosting provider?

We use inMotion Hosting to host Mulligan Software’s website.  We’ve been long-time users of Mac-centric web hosts in the past, but we’ve encountered a steady increase in the number of hosts, including our previous vendor, who are moving their operations off-shore from the U.S.  While there’s nothing inherently secret or technically sophisticated with our site or our products that requires us to be hosted at home, we prefer it because hosting web sites is not our business and we need a relative novice’s level of help to support us.  inMotion has left and right-coast server centers, as well as a European facility.  Mulligan Software is hosted from Virginia.  If you need expert, thorough, responsive hosting, consider inMotion.

Mulligan Software

Bullard, TX  75757


Twitter @MulliganGolf

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